Friday, February 28, 2020

Melanoma Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Melanoma - Research Proposal Example Exposure to ultraviolet rays (UVA & UVB) rank as the most important factors for development of melanomas. This effected through DNA damage, specifically thymine dimerization leading to oncogenic mutations. It is well known that the incidence of melanoma in Queensland, Australia (50/100,000) is five times that of the UK (10,000), despite the fact that the nearly all cases in Australia occur in people of Scottish and Irish descent. This clearly points out to solar exposure as the prime factor in it causation. Although tanning beds (Berwick 507) and sunscreens have been implicated as a possible causative factor, no significant statistical evidence has been presented yet. Additional risk is also seen in red-headed and fair-skinned people, people with multiple dysplastic or atypical naevi, and in a condition called congenital giant melanocytic naevi. 1. Germline Mutations : Apart from the fact that melanoma clusters can be seen in certain families, and melanoma-prone families are well known to have mutations in CDKN2A, CDK4 and other genes. The p16 gene mutation has also been reported in over 25% of familial melanomas worldwide, as well as in about 10 % of sporadic melanomas. It has a low degree of penetrance, and it is likely that sporadic melanoma has a complex pattern of inheritance. Melanoma also has an association with various cancer family syndromes, most notably pancreatic cancer, but also in breast, throat and gastro-intestinal cancers. 2. Somatic mutations : A genetic progression model of the step-by-step transformation of precursor lesions (naevi) to melanomas, or the stages of melanoma progression itself have shown that there are important genetic loci where were changes accumulate. They are mostly due to loss of chromosomal material on multiple loci : chromosomes 1,3,6,9,10,11 and 17 being particularly affected. Somatic mutations on the BRAF gene has also been described in up to 60 % of melanomas. 3. The genetics of the at-risk phenotype : Over the past two decades, as it has become clearer that the fair skin-type and high naevus counts are powerful predictors of melanoma, the hunt for susceptible genes in these at-risk phenotypes has begun. In addition, the propensity to get

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Media Centrism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Media Centrism - Essay Example Media centrism refers to the discriminatory reporting of new or past issues by the conventional journalists. It broadly entails a media position about particular social agendas that in turn reflects their support or public acceptance. Therefore, media centrism usually entails the opinionated coverage of political systems, environmental occurrences or other social issues such as diseases (Fuchs, 2011, pp. 297). Media centrism is not a new concept; journalists have perfected the art for purposes either enhancing or tarnishing the public image. Journalists or media houses give preference particular issues. The liking demonstrates the length of airtime and breadth of coverage and analysis. In most instances, media centrism manifests in the reporting of election campaigns. A journalist might decide to cover entirely an event and provide and positive description of the process. On the other hand, the media provides little coverage for an event they do not like. Media centrism also demonstr ates in reporting of gender or cultural issues. In this instance, a journalist may provide an analysis that supports or opposes the gender policies (Daniele Albertazzi, 2013, pp. 130). Media reporting should be neutral on pertinent issues. The reporting should also give the listeners or viewers the opportunity to make informed decisions. Hence, media centrism violates media laws and ethical reporting. It denies the listeners or viewers the opportunity to get real-time information. Besides, media centrism also neglects the different ideologies that people possess. Hence, the reporting in some way disregards people’s diversity and cultural viewpoints. Particular examples of media centrism include the following (Fuchs, 2011, pp. 298). British Broadcast Corporation is discriminatory reporting during the Lebanon War in 2006. Israeli authorities claimed the corporation favored Hezbollah. Hence, they refused media interviews and barred BBC news during the entire period.